The London Home Builders’ Association (LHBA) in partnership with Kids Kicking Cancer Canada and with the Platinum Sponsorship and Project Management support of Sifton Properties Limited present the 2023 Green Home Build, a net zero ready home. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support so far and wish to thank everyone who has offered products, services and assistance towards this project.
We are excited to announce that our Green Home has SOLD and closed in summer 2024! LHBA donated $100,000 to Kids Kicking Cancer Canada this fall from the proceeds of this project. Read the full details below.
Visit our social media platforms for the project updates from the past year:
Instagram: @londonhba
Facebook: @London Home Builders' Association - Green Home Build Album for project photos
September 2024 Update:
The London Home Builders’ Association (LHBA) donated $100,000 this summer
to Kids Kicking Cancer Canada - Heroes Circle; shared proceeds from the recent sale of its Green Home Build
project made possible by the generous support of over 50 LHBA members and the wider home building
“Giving back to the community through awareness and charitable efforts is something our members strongly
believe in. We were happy to be able to come together as an Association while partnering with the wider home
building industry and are truly honoured to be able to donate to Kids Kicking Cancer Canada’s - Heroes Circle.
We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed and gave their time towards this
impactful project.” (Jared Zaifman, CEO, London Home Builders’ Association)
Along with major project partners Sifton Properties, Centennial Windows & Doors, Cambria, Progressive
Countertops and GCW Custom Kitchens & Cabinetry Inc., this unique project brought together builders,
suppliers, sub-trades, designers, educators, and students to build a new zero ready home with state of the art
features, energy-efficient products and the latest advancements in home building with community spirit,
education and charitable giving at its core.
“None of this would be possible without the incredible and generous support of donors and sponsors. There is
never a cost to participating families and our program is 100% funded by the community.” (Toby Stolee, Vice
President, Construction at Sifton and also Chair of Kids Kicking Cancer Canada’s National Board of Directors)
LHBA’s donation will directly impact Kids Kicking Cancer Canada’s evidence-based innovative program that
merges integrative medicine with traditional martial arts, addressing the overwhelming needs of children with
illness and celebrating the courage of an amazing group of little heroes.
Program services are at no cost and are open to children 3 years and older facing the pain and discomfort of
any illness, and their siblings. One-on-one training and group classes are available for both pediatric inpatients
and outpatients in over fifty hospitals and institutions around the Globe. In areas where they do not yet have
programs, video conferencing lessons are available.
“In several studies, the KKCC methodology has been proven to reduce pain and distress among children with
chronic health conditions, as well as their otherwise healthy siblings. For our London program, we partner with
Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre and community partners like TVCC, Vanier Children’s
Services, Easter Seals and others, serving children and youth experiencing chronic illnesses, neurological
conditions, disabilities, trauma, violence, and other adverse childhood experiences.” (Jill Osborne, National
Executive Director at KKCC)
Specially trained black belt martial artists teach breathing, visualization, and relaxation techniques, in addition
to traditional martial arts moves, to help empower the children and provide them with a sense of power,
peace, and purpose. The Heroes Circle Program teaches children to:
- Regain a sense of control over the chaos of their lives.
- Become empowered partners in their own healing.
- Push away the messages of pain, fear, and anger.
- Provide inspiration and light to others facing life-challenges.
- Teach other children, and even adults, how to take control.
- See themselves as victors, not victims.
Visit Kids Kicking Cancer Canada’s website for more program details:
A full list of project partners and project history details can be found here
LHBA's Green Home Build Update - SOLD!!
>> Visit our Full Green Home Build Supporter List
What is the Green Home Build?
For those not familiar, the origins of the first Green Home Build were tied directly to the funding and creation of the LHBA Cancer Survivor Garden. The Green Home was innovative from the perspective of both green technology as well as fundraising. As shared by former Executive Officer Lois Langdon at the time of the build, “We were doing fundraising along the way, but costs were mounting. So, we asked ourselves: what do we do? We build. And so, we should make a house our funding mechanism.”
"It was 10 years ago that the first green home was built in an effort to fundraise to support the creation of the Cancer Survivor Garden, so it is only fitting that today we are building our second green home with the proceeds being shared by the LHBA and a wonderful charity, Kids Kicking Cancer Canada." (Jared Zaifman, LHBA CEO)
The mission of the charity is “to ease the pain and trauma of children while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally.” Through the teaching of martial arts as a therapy the young cancer patients teach other children with challenging illness and even adults how to “breathe in the light and blow out the darkness”.
How our members and the wider community are getting involved
The build is set to be a net-zero ready home and we've given our members and the wider building community the opportunity to show off their green side by partnering with us on the project. Over the last several months, the LHBA has accepted donations or best offers for "green" products and services to be used in the home. Once the home is built, we will be showcasing the businesses, products and services involved in contirbuting to this incredible cause to our entire community.
Educational Opportunities
The LHBA partnered with local schools to offer educational opportunities as the build progressed including virtual and in-person tours. Please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.
Thank you to our Green Home Build Sponsors
Without the generous support of our community and member partners, this project would not be possible. Thank you!
>> Visit our Full Green Home Build Supporter List
Please reach out for more information
London Home Builders' Association
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
p: 519 686 0343
If you would like additional information about Kids Kicking Cancer Canada's (KKCC) Heroes Circle Program, please reach out to Jill Osborne, Executive Director at KKCC.
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